Thursday, November 8, 2007

Week 9

Now i have a problem. With little luck last week in the flash coding side of things, i am left trying to figure out a way in which to overcome my main and vital problem; I cant code in flash an import image function. I am thinking about changing my project slightly. Perhaps just making a portfolio. I decided not to make any decision until i had spoken to Lorna which i had arranged for next week. until then, i would keep on the consotruction of the graphics and various screen elements. unfortunately i had not made any designes for this far down the track so i had to go back to the drawing board and sketch up the visual style and appearance of elements such as background and animation images. As i was too worried about my flash problem last week, i did not really get to start on the animations like i had decided and therefore intended to do.

Anyway in the lecture we discussed employment and interviews and how to go about applying for jobs. With next week being mid semester break, i decided that i would try and get as much visual design as possible completed as well as try to figure out the flash code again.

Week 8

With last week being slightly more time consuming than i had planned, i still had managed to stay on track and not fall behind. I had accomplished what i needed to by the weeks end but i considered that to be the easiest week of them all. For the next week and further on i am going to need to work alot harder and faster. This week i am attempting to code the slightly more complex features in flash. These include the import images functions and the gallery display function. Which i intend to by like a dynamic filmstrip. At this point not sure but its what i am aiming for. I will also begin the construction of the other elements for the screen. I also need to map out the animations and how they are now only going to play out, but i need to map out how many i need and how to best go about them. should i wait till the end to add them in or get them out of the way as they will help improve the overall project in terms of aesthetics, but they are also very time consuming and may deter me from completing the other parts of the project.

i also gained some more feedback from the stuff i created last week and made some adjustments accordingly.

Week 7

This week we submitted out final project plans based on the criticisms received from last week. I had to make a few minor changes but basically none at all. With that submitted it was time to move on to more of the designing phase.
this phase was taking longer than i had anticipated but i figured it would make up for it in the end as construction would be less stressful and complicated as long as i had a plan to run off. I began sketching up designs for the interface of my project and how the interface would tie together in terms of navigation and different screen elements. i asked some peers for feedback on my designs and received some very useful ideas and criticisms. With these in mind i re-designed over and over until i had a basic design and layout mapped out which everyone agreed upon. Though it was my project in the end, i though it would be useful to have something that everyone liked as oppose to just myself as outside perspective is encouraged and 9/10 more useful that your own critiques.

With the basic layout done i had to then focus on the basic flash side of things. Because i was constructing the project in flash i needed to 'brush up' on my flash skills before i could begin. Simply things such as navigating through scenes and frames. It did not take long to grasp those conecpts so i began in the construction of the basic screen elements. i decided to chop and change around what i was working on at one time so as to not get bored. Coding the entire flash project in one hit could possibly send me insane and begin to lose interest in the project. by changing from coding to designing the graphics, i allowed myself some breathing time and down time from lines and lines of code. The navigation was complete and so were some of the screen elements. I imported them into flash to see how the basic program would run. i few minor glitches wee found but instantly resolved.

Week 6

This week was presentation week for the project plans. We were given a strict time limit which would also help improve our presentation skills for the final. by having a time limit that must be stuck by, the students had to make sure that they covered everything they deemed necessary and important in the time given. It helped with the skill of prioritizing and task management.

My presentation was fine. the only criticism was that my PowerPoint slides held a little too much information. they should only be for visual aid, not for actually relaying in depth information. Apart from that, the criticisms were minor, granted that the project had not yet been started so there was not much to comment on. i guess that will come in the next few weeks as we start to construct the final project based on our completed project plans.

After the presentation it was time to really start thinking about the construction and how i was going to go about it. i did however find that even though i had an in depth project plan, more planning still had to be done. i had covered the features and aspects in relative detail for the project plan, but in order to reduce error and construction time, i would have to delve further into the designing of the project and its appearance and functionality before i could begin the construction.

Week 5

We were now instructed that we were to submit a full project plan. Unfortunately not many people had been aware of this so a recap on what was to be included in the project plan was covered in the lecture. We were also given the criteria for the assessment. Luckily i had already started to map out the project in detail the week before so constructing an actual project plan was not going to be that tough. I had to make a PowerPoint presentation purely as an aid for the info i was to present to the rest of the class and lecturer's/ tutor's.

The contruction of such an in depth project plan i knew would help me greatly as it not only encouraged but forced me to make detailed ideas and concept maps about each of the features and aspects of my project. It also forced me to construct a weekly work schedule in order to track my progress as well as make the assignment an easier task overall as it allowed me to plan for any unforeseen problems or circumstances.

With the criteria sheet in hand it was time to begin the construction of the plan. All i had to do was add my already existing info and elaborate slightly as well as add a few extra features. not too much of a strenuous task thankfully.